August 25, 2021 2 min read
Bacteria may sound like the last thing any person would want in their body — however, good bacteria don’t deserve the bad rep. The term vaginal flora encompasses the good bacteria needed in the vagina to avoid infections. Think of them as guards who keep intruders (and even locals) from wreaking havoc.
Check out these six amazing facts about vaginal flora!
The human body isn’t completely sterile. In fact, 1-3% of an adult’s body mass is good bacteria. That’s a total of around two to six pounds! These helpful microorganisms are present on nearly all surfaces of the body and even inside the gut. The vagina is no exception.
It is actually normal for a vagina to have yeast cells. The good bacteria in the vagina are responsible for keeping yeast cells regulated so that an infection doesn’t develop. With the right balance, external unwanted pathogenic microorganisms are also kept at bay.
The dominant species in vaginal flora are called lactobacilli. These good bacteria produce hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, and other substances to protect the vagina from various kinds of infections.
Balance is key. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of these practices and substances that can disrupt the harmony of vaginal flora:
Hormonal fluctuations (due to contraceptive use or menopause) can cause a decrease in lactobacilli and healthy flora in the vagina. In such cases, extra care is advised to restore harmony.
When the balance of vaginal flora is negatively impacted, you can help reinstate the equilibrium by avoiding harmful practices. Supercharge your journey to recovery with probiotic supplements and all-natural intimate wash products, like illum’s V-soap, that help increase good vaginal bacteria.
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